I made this webpage to try and answer any questions you may have prior to our shoot. If you have anything that’s not covered here feel free to reach out to me directly and I’ll answer right away.
What are we shooting?
We are doing artistic nude images where you will be fully naked.
What should I do prior to arrival?
The most important thing is to not wear anything that presses against your skin, otherwise you’re going to get compression lines on your skin. Also if you’re going to be late just let me know.
How do we keep track of time?
When the shoot starts, which is going to be around 10-15 minutes after you arrive, we set the timer and go from there.
What should I bring?
When it comes to clothes I don’t have any rules, but there are things I like and don’t like. Here are some guidelines:
- I’m not a big fan of denim, so no jeans or denim skirts
- Things that are too revealing to wear in public are always good
- Sexy is also good, elegant and sexy is even better
- No wording or patterns on the clothes if you can
- No crazy colors like neon-green or bright orange
- We will mix and match, so some tops, some bottoms, and some full body stuff
- Wigs are fun
- I rarely use shoes, but if you bring some I like pumps
What about makeup?
With makeup I prefer something more neutral, no bright colors, and cat-eyes and smokey eyes are nice too.
Will I have to sign a model release?
Yes, I will have a model release ready for you to sign. This allows me to use the images wherein certain places without one the pictures default to being owned by the model.
How many pictures will I receive and when will I receive them?
This one is harder to answer. I generally retouch 7 pictures per hour we shoot, so 14 for a two hour shoot, but that’s a minimum. Often I’ll retouch more but it just depends on the complexity to retouch and how well I did actually doing the shoot. I can say it will take weeks to get the photos back, I have quite a backlog.